Belton Educational Foundation
We make a difference for children in Belton
About BEF
Quick Facts
quick Facts
The Belton Educational Foundation works to provide support to the Belton School District students, teachers, and families. We encourage students and teachers to strive to excel and be innovative through our many programs, scholarships, and grants. We meet students' basic needs through nutrition assistance and mental health services. We work with local businesses, community members, and alumni to bridge the gap that public school funding leaves between public education and excellence.
OVER $180K Given yearly to support Belton Schools
$55,250 In Teacher Grants Awarded Last Year
$32K In Student Scholarships Annually
OVER $200K In Mental Health Support Grants
400 Children Given Weekend Food Weekly
155 Shoes for Belton Children
100% Support of Belton Children
5 Pirate Pantries In Belton Schools
100% of Donations stay in Belton
66% of Expenses go to Programs
8% Of Expenses on Administrative costs
26% of Expenses go to Fundraising
The Belton Educational Foundation supports the Belton School District through:
- Mental Health programs
- Scholarships for College and Trade Schools
- Tuition Assistance for BHS Students
- Nutritional and Basic Needs Assistance (Pirate Pantries) for students
- Grants for Teachers and Schools
Pirate Pantries
BEF provides weekend food for BSD students through our Pirate Pantry and BackSnack programs. Our Pirate Pantries also provide new shoes, socks, clothing, hygiene items, coats, hats, gloves and more.
Roughly 400 students benefit from our Pirate Pantry programs regularly.
Click for list
Teacher Grants
BEF Teacher Grants promote innovation in our schools by providing funding for innovative teacher-led projects. BEF also offers grants for teachers who are new to the district (to help them get their classrooms ready), mini grants, and the annual Ferguson Excellence in Teaching Award Grant.
Mental Health
BEF writes and manages an annual grant that provides licensed therapists in every Belton school. This program helps to remove barriers to quality mental health care for our children.
BEF partners in supporting youth mental health through the You Matter Belton Initiative.
Student Scholarships and Educational Enrichment
BEF offers over $14,000 in scholarships to the graduating classes of BHS each year.
We provide tuition assistance to students who need a hand in paying college tuition costs for dual credit classes and for student leadership opportunities.
BEF works to keep BHS Alumni connected to our schools and to each other.
We operate the BHS Hall of Fame award ceremony and selection process each year.
Alumni Weekend
Whether you graduated last year or 50 years ago, Belton grads are proud ‘Pirates for Life’ and we invite you to stay connected!
We can help you share information, reconnect with your classmates, and keep up-to-date about alumni events.
Nominate Someone for the Hall of Fame
Please thoroughly complete all information on this form. Starred items (*) are required for submission. Please provide detailed and complete information about the nominee and his/her accomplishments. We encourage you to provide attachments including a biography, resume, media information documenting accomplishments and awards, etc.
Deliver this completed nomination form to the Belton Educational Foundation via mail or email, or you can drop it by our office. The Belton Educational Foundation office is typically open between 8am and 4pm, Monday through Friday. Please call ahead (816-348-1150) to ensure that someone will be here to meet with you.
Explore Our news
BEF surprised several teachers with surprise grant awards totaling nearly $16,000!
BEF surprised several teachers with surprise grant awards totaling nearly $16,000!
Join us for this amusing evening!
BEF will host bowling teams (teams of 5) at Aaron's Family Fun Center for lively, holiday themed entertainment. Three games of bowling, dancing, raffles, AND sign up to bowl with a FROZEN TURKEY!
Over $77,000 was raised!
BEF surprised six teachers with Spring 2024 grants totaling over $12,300!