Pirate Foundation Sponsorships
Show your commitment - Become a BEF Sponsor today
Use the link below to become a Pirate Foundation Sponsor or BEF Event Sponsor today!
How your support through sponsorship benefits you and your business
Marketing & Advertisement
- Information about Pirate Foundation Sponsors is shared quarterly with Belton School District families (over 4,000 households), staff members (over 600+), and with our Belton High School alumni database.
- Pirate Foundation Sponsors are thanked publicly on BEF social media following receipt of payment (and logo) and a few other times throughout the year. (nearly 1,800 Facebook followers, Twitter, and LinkedIn)
- The BEF website features a banner with logos of Pirate Foundation Sponsors and Belton school websites share our Pirate Foundation Sponsor image.
- Every BEF email communication shares note of appreciation to our Pirate Foundation Sponsors. (sent to over 1,400 people twice each month)
- Signage and notice in print materials at annual Foundation events BEF Gala, Pirate Dash 5K, and Belton High School Alumni events.
- Sponsor marketing promo designed for you to use with your social media. (Diamond, Platinum, and Gold levels receive tailored promos, including video)
As a Pirate Foundation Sponsor, you let everyone in the community know that you care about children and education in Belton.
Opportunity to Celebrate with Us
Certain sponsorship levels come with tickets to celebrate with us at our events: Tickets to the BEF Gala, All Class Reunion and our new fall event and opportunity to join us as we award grants to schools.
Exclusive Discount on BEF Event Sponsorships
New this year, your Pirate Foundation sponsorship includes an event sponsorship opportunity! As a sponsor, you not only support BEF’s mission but also gain recognition at our signature events.
Diamond sponsors receive a $5,000 event sponsorship, Platinum sponsors receive $1,000, Gold sponsors get $500, Silver sponsors $250, and Bronze sponsors $100.
This added value ensures your partnership shines at every level while also directly benefiting children and education through our programs.
This is a dream come true! I love seeing and hearing children as they partake in this process, inspiring their learning!Belton Teacher Grant Recipient
Sponsorship Opportunities
Pirate Foundation Sponsorship Opportunities
Diamond Level - $15,000
- Includes ALL of the benefits of a Platinum Sponsor PLUS
- A table for 8 (preferred seating) at our Annual Gala AND
- Quarterly marketing videos featuring our business partnership
- Presenting Sponsor at one BEF Event or Event sponsorship(s) equaling $5,000 value
Your logo should be here...
Platinum Level - $10,000
Platinum Level Sponsorship $10,000
- Recognition on Belton Educational Foundation website (logo and link)
- Recognition within Belton School District website (logo)
- Your sponsorship highlighted via social media and in the Foundation's bimonthly electronic newsletter
- Visibility on 2025 BEF event marketing materials
- Four tickets to annual gala and other fundraising events
- Tailored sponsor marketing promo designed for your use with social media
- Invitation to Surprise Teacher Grant Award School Visits
- Opportunity to share marketing giveaway item at one event
- Recognition in Belton School District electronic staff communications
- Event sponsorship(s) equaling $1,000 included!
Thank you to our Platinum Level Sponsors:
Your logo belongs here...
Gold Level - $5,000
Gold Level Sponsorship $5,000
- Recognition on Belton Educational Foundation website (logo and link)
- Recognition within Belton School District website (logo)
- Your sponsorship highlighted via social media and in the Foundation's bimonthly electronic newsletter
- Visibility on 2025 event marketing materials
- Two tickets to annual gala and other fundraising events
- Invitation to Surprise Teacher Grant Award School Visits
- Recognition in Belton School District electronic staff communications
- Event sponsorship(s) equaling $500 included!
Thank you to our Gold Level Sponsors:
Your logo belongs here...
Silver Level - $2,500
Silver Level Sponsorship $2,500
- Recognition on Belton Educational Foundation website (logo)
- Recognition within Belton School District website (logo)
- Your sponsorship highlighted via social media and in the Foundation's bimonthly electronic newsletter
- Visibility on 2025 event marketing materials
- Two tickets to annual gala and other fundraising events
- Recognition in Belton School District electronic staff communications
- Event sponsorship(s) equaling $250 included!
Thank you to our Silver Level Sponsors:
Your logo belongs here...
Bronze Level - $1,000
Bronze Level Sponsorship $1,000
- Recognition on Belton Educational Foundation website (logo)
- Recognition within Belton School District website (logo)
- Your sponsorship highlighted via social media and in the Foundation's bimonthly electronic newsletter
- Visibility on 2025 event marketing materials
- One ticket to annual gala or other fundraising events
- Recognition in Belton School District electronic staff communications
- Event sponsorship(s) equaling $100 included!
Thank you to our Bronze Level Sponsors:
Your logo belongs here...
Friend Level - $500
Friend Level Sponsorship $500
- Name on Belton Educational Foundation website
- Name within Belton School District website
- Your sponsorship highlighted via social media and in the Foundation's electronic newsletter
- Visibility on 2025 BEF event marketing materials
Thank you to our Friend Level Sponsors:
Your company name belongs here...
“Your support means the world to me and is helping me pursue my education with less financial stress. Thank you for believing in me and investing in my future.”
- Belton High School Student 2024 Scholarship Recipient